If you like your bacon pokey and smokey - this is the pig for the gig.
Similar to the smoked maple cured bacon recipe here https://www.dinnerdinnerfatman.com/blog/smoked-maple-bacon-recipe, this recipe uses hickory smoke rather than oak (hickory imparts a stronger flavour) and some smoked sweet paprika, giving it a little edge. Easy to slice and freeze for later use, and unbelievably good in bacon sandwiches. Slice thickly for maximum decadence.
The recipe does require a smoker, but i’ll shortly publish recipes that don’t!
- 1 kg pork belly
- 50 g salt
- 130 ml maple syrup
- 1 tsp black pepper, ground
- 2 tsp smoked sweet paprika
- 2.5 g Cure No 1
- Mix all the cure ingredients together and put in a zip lock freezer bag
- Add the pork belly to the bag and make sure it is covered in the cure all over
- Leave this in the fridge for 7 days, turning it over every day (this is important)
- After 7 days take the belly out of the bag and rinse it and pat dry
- Leave the belly in the fridge on a plate overnight
- Preheat the smoker and slowly smoke the belly with hickory wood / chips until it reaches an internal temperature of 68c
- Allow to cool and then chill and slice
- Slices can be cooked or vac sealed and frozen for later use!